
Charles Green wears the mantle of apostleship and is one of many voices declaring the way of righteousness in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation. By holding forth the Word of life, the body of Christ is being equipped through the 5-fold ministry of Jesus Christ.
Charles and his wife Evon have been pastors of Christian Faith Fellowship Church East in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He is also the Founder and President of Way of Righteousness Kingdom Bible College. He was born again on Dec. 21, 1975, and baptized in the Holy Spirit with speaking in tongues in April of 1977. He received his D.D and Th.D. from Grace Theological Seminary in Loris, South Carolina in 1995 and 2008.
Charles has preached through effectual open doors of ministry in the United States, Canada, Trinidad, Sweden, Ghana of West Africa, Kenya and Tanzania of East Africa, and in Eastern India. In 1995, he appeared on “Wisdom for Today,” a Christian talk show in Santa Barbara, California. In 2001, he appeared on “It’s A New Day” of Trinity Television in Winnipeg, Canada, to speak concerning the relationship of the church and the nation of Israel. He has been a guest on several local TBN programs in Ottawa, Illinois and Brookfield, WI.
Ministering with an apostolic mantle and prophetic inspiration, souls are saved and the Body of Christ is built up and established in present true revelation of the Scriptures. Supernatural signs follow the preaching of the Gospel in his ministry.
The knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus is filling every valley, debasing every mountain and hill, realigning every crooked path and smoothing out all the rough places in His church. The salvation of God will be clearly seen by all flesh as the end-time body of Christ mounts up in a last-day demonstration of the power and glory of God's kingdom reign.